Sunday 20 March 2011

What did you learn from last week?

Nathan, Ibrahim & Aisling: in preparation for your 2nd training session with Btec 1st (drama):

you learnt a lot last week!

The main point was that you should use your theatre skills to engage the audience.

The 2nd training session takes place today between 12-1pm today.  You are still using the same question: Should EMA be cut?

To prepare for this:

(1) REHEARSAL: Watch the video we made of you rehearsing a more theatrical version of the training to remind yourself of the style and energy and language needed for these sessions.

(2) SCRIPT: Write down exactly what you are going to say about each of your hats (two per person) so that you don't woffle, or get stuck. The description of each hat should be scripted - you should use same language and keep refining and honing it to end up with best version. Don't improvise the descriptions. Script them!!

(3) PROPS:  Make sure you have list of all the props you are going to use and know HOW you are using them. Most importantly - how are those hats going to be used in the session. Give Btec 1st opportunity to look at the posters before you start. You'll have flip chart paper and pens - assign 6 people to make list of all points.

(4) This time - make sure every student makes a comment -  however small or repetitive - on each hat. Keep it to one comment per person to begin with then let anyone who has a second idea add theirs at the end. If some one gives a black hat comment during a green hat moment - dont ignore it - make sure its written onto the black hat sheet, but DO identify it as Problem or Critical Thinking (black hat) NOT alternative ideas (green hat).

Please post your feedback on this session during the week.

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