Monday 7 March 2011

We train Karla in 6 Hats Thinking

We choose to debate this question: " Is Drama school/Univercity training necessary".
Present: Nathan, Aisling, Ibrahim and Karla.
1)Introduction: By all three
To begin we talked about Edward De Bono's six thinking hats as opposed to the western way of thinking.
Examples used:
The Elephant Analogy (Indian tale, with the six blind men using two diagrams by Nathan)
Could use the house Analogy ( this would be brought up by Ibrahim Shote)
2)Explain what the hats represent (Aisling)
a)what are the hats for? (er..why not socks???)
Reffers to the thinking hats and it's a visual way to remember. Each hat for diffrent occasion and each hat for diffrent thinkings. Looking in the same direction at the same time, essential that everyone is wearing the same hat at the same moment. Put on and take off a hat easy and deliberatley, assosiation with thinking 'put on your thinking hat'. Hats are METAPHORICAL.
b)what would the outcome be?
c)Importance of useing it.
d) Start with red hat, easy to explain. Emotion, colour, passion. White hat, 'think of a computer print out', facts and information. What we know, dont know, and need to find out. Yellow hat, looking at positive aspects, what will work. Black, critical, problems, 'direct opposite of yellow hat', areas we should be cautious of, why it wont work. Black hat thinking is the classic western way of thinking.

Test case: Ibrahim has got out the blue hat and layed out the question, then under the blue hate we will decide what order the rest of the hats will go in to produce the most productive thinking structure. Order; Blue hat, white hate, red hat, yellow hat, black hat, green hat.

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